Things We Like & Content We Follow

Last week we discussed creators, podcasters, and cool people we like keeping up with.  In no particular order, here are things we find awesome and some notes mostly cribbed from their respective websites:


99% Invisible a sound-rich, narrative podcast hosted by Roman Mars about all the thought that goes into the things we don’t think about — the unnoticed architecture and design that shape our world.

You Are Not So Smart David McRaney of the book by the same name hosts a fun exploration of the ways you and everyone else tend to develop an undeserved confidence in human perception, motivation, and behavior.

The Shawn Ryan Show, former Navy SEAL hosts guests to tell the stories that matter to them.  They chat about ups and downs, wins and losses, successes and struggles, and the good and bad in a respectful but candid way. 

Jocko Willink a retired Navy SEAL, author, and speaker discusses leadership methodologies he learned in the Navy and how to apply them to your business and personal life.

The Returning Warrior Podcast life coach Adam Gornall interviews people about their “calls to adventure” and the trials and rewards of that call.

The Sasquatch Odyssey hosted by Brian from Paranormal World Productions is a recalling of tales about Cryptids, and Bigfoot in particular.  

The Escape Artists crew of podcasts, including Escape Pod, PodCastle, and PsudoPod is a free fiction catalog of professionally written and narrated short stories. All creatives involved are paid. The podcasts have been released regularly since 2005.

The Daily Stoic is a podcast hosted by Ryan Holiday, self-identified Stoic, author, and public-relations strategist.  Each episode has a 2-3 minute meditation inspired by Stoicism. 

Tiktok Creators:

Dylan Hollis, author of Baking Yesteryear, shares some great and not so great recipes from 1900 - 1980.

Corbette Pasko a writer, performer, and “professional sweater,” talks about current events through the lens of a Gen Xer.

Lynae Vanee, a poet and performer from Atlanta Georgia discusses race, feminism, politics, and inclusivity.

Tanara “Everybody’s So Creative” Mallory the comedian behind Double Chocolate Productions, makes jokes about recipe mishaps and cooking tutorials.

Alexis Nikole Nelson, an American forager from Ohio and winner of a James Beard Award, posts videos of her foraging finds along with cooking techniques and historical information. (Bonus, here’s her NPR interview.)


Matty McTech shares life hacks and computer/tech tips.


Gaia a member-supported online media resource of over 8,000 films, shows, classes and more covering discussions on the metaphysical and spiritual to yoga and meditation guides.

Mr. Money Mustache is a blog started in 2011 about financial literacy and living frugally.

1440 is a daily email newsletter that reports recent news “as unbiased as humanly possible.”

Al Jazeera is the first independent news channel in the Arab world.  It produces in-depth journalism about regional and international affairs with a focus on human-centric narratives.

Add your favorites to the comments below!

Gretchen Bedell