Q1 Goals Review

The first quarter of the year has been a doozy! Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the Cobblers have been moving forward on our 2020 goals! Like the scrappy individuals we are, we've adapted our goals, pivoted with the current circumstances, and made some room for grace with oursevles.

As a group, we are super supportive of each other, but we all tend to be our own harshest critic. That changed this morning for one of our Cobblers.

One member is notoriously hard on themselves, but this morning when they were grading their goal progress, they gave themselves a fair and good grade. And we all cheered!

Many of the members reached their goals, without necessarily even noticing. Even the fiscal goals.

Things are hard right now, and there is no way we could have known that we'd be working and living in a very dull but terrifying sci-fi novel. But collectively, the Cobblers are weathering the storm reasonably well and continuing to run their businesses under these new conditions. I think it's because we're here together.

If you've wanted to attend one of our meetings, please now is the right moment. We're online, at least till June 10 - we don't care if you're in your pajamas, and we're here to cheer you on! Thursday mornings at 8:30 a.m. at bit.ly/cobblerscollective We hope to see you soon.

Gretchen Bedell