A terrifying but adpt metaphor for being an entrepreneur...

Check this cycling video out. The whole time it reminds us of what it’s like to be an entrepreneur. (Our play by play commentary is below!)

He opens with a monologue about being inspired by rock climbers, and how it inspired him to see what he can do. That's like the entrepreneurial dream. You get inspired by something or someone or an idea and think I can do that!

In the beginning, the riding looks pretty cool and I certainly couldn't do it, but it doesn't look impossible. The first part of building your dream can be like that, scary sure but you've got some skills and some resources, you can do this.

Then about 1:50, it starts to get really real. Is that just a cliff dude is going down? Are you really going to just leave the security of the job you have to go work for yourself? Cash-out your savings? Go into debt? Yes, it's time to leap!

At 2:05 elegant little endos here and there much like the maneuvering you have to do with all the entities to get your dream going. Dealing with the government, and the landlords, and the vendors, and the customers. Giving everyone what they need while keeping your momentum. Sometimes it seems like barely controlled chaos to keep all those plates in the air and those wheels spinning.

3:00 Sometimes it is about the brakes, knowing when to hold 'em and to fold 'em is a huge part of this entrepreneurial process.

3:07 Dany MacAskill has an amazing camera/production team. His videos are beautiful and the music is perfect. Right as he is in this long shot of him against the mountain the refrain "Between the click of the light and the start of the dream". You realize that dude is all alone. His team is there but he is the one doing it. Same as the entrepreneur, you might have an amazing team but it all comes down to you.

3:43 Riding that fine line between pumping the brakes and giving it some gas. Then it gets really scary and you realize how easy it was at the start!

4:57 Then you're in a better space and it's beautiful and you signed your first big contract or have your first-anniversary party or whatever milestone that makes it real for you and it's a bit unbelievable that you did it! You look back at that path you just went down and know it may have seemed crazy but it was what you HAD to do and it was worth it.

Gretchen Bedell